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Cornell University

Graduate Student Unionization Updates

Information and Resources for the Cornell Community

Cornell’s March 11 Expiring Offer to CGSU-UE

On March 11, Cornell made a comprehensive contract offer that we believe is highly-competitive, generous and fair, and which meets the concerns expressed by the CGSU-UE on behalf of graduate student workers. You can read the full text of the offer on the Bargaining Tracker.

Because of the union’s self-imposed strike authorization deadline of April 8 — and to incentivize the parties to reach an agreement in advance of that deadline — this exceptionally strong offer expires on March 25 at noon. As we explained to the CGSU-UE, if the expiring offer is not accepted, then the university will replace many terms of its latest proposal with less desirable ones, which Cornell also provided to the Union on March 11. 

We encourage CGSU-UE and its members to strongly consider and accept this expiring offer, which would bring a number of important benefits to graduate student workers, before the clock runs out.

Higher Compensation

  • Cornell’s existing stipend rate of $45,240 exceeds many of our peers, including Columbia, MIT, Stanford and Harvard, when adjusted for cost of living.
  • Cornell has offered to increase the stipend to $47,367 (+4.7%) this fall and to $48,538 (+2.5%) in fall 2026.
  • The increase includes a $544 stipend benefits adjustment each year to cover the cost of dental and vision self-insurance and access to the fitness center.
  • When accounting for cost of living, Cornell’s stipend proposal places graduate student workers at Cornell right between their Northwestern and University of Chicago counterparts.
  • In addition, Cornell has offered a $750 ratification payment to all current graduate student workers if this deal is accepted (in part to ensure that those graduating in May receive a financial benefit).
  • Learn more.

Union Security

  • Cornell is offering a significant and meaningful compromise on union security that both supports the union and its membership and preserves individual graduate student workers’ ability to choose whether to join and support the union’s political activities. 
  • The university proposes an agency shop model with three options for graduate student workers:
    • Elect to join the union and pay dues;
    • Elect not to join the union and pay a lesser agency fee to cover the costs of bargaining representation; or
    • Elect not to join the union and instead contribute an equivalent amount (approximately 1.44% of stipend per semester, which is the same as dues) to the United Way of Tompkins County, which provides approximately 50 charity choices.
  • This approach was recently accepted by a union representing graduate student workers at Caltech and reflects the fairest compromise that preserves academic freedom and avoids the types of lawsuits filed against the union at other universities over compulsory union membership.
  • In this arrangement, all graduate student workers pay their fair share.

Just Cause Discipline and Discharge

  • Graduate student workers gain additional protections for their employment relationship: they can’t be disciplined for job-related conduct without cause and cannot be fired for minor mistakes.
  • Graduate student workers are also entitled to union representation in work-related situations.
  • This provision clarifies that academic issues are outside the scope of the union’s role — as they should be.

Great Medical Benefits

  • Increased health coverage is a high priority for the union, and access to excellent health care supports students’ well-being. 
  • Cornell has offered platinum SHP insurance with no cost for self-coverage. 
  • As noted above, the university has also agreed to provide a $544 stipend benefit adjustment to account for dental and vision self-coverage as well as access to fitness centers.

Matriculation Payments for Incoming Students

  • Cornell has proposed that beginning in the fall of 2025, every new Ph.D. student would receive $750 to help cover relocation costs, visa fees, and other priorities for beginning their appointments.

Free TCAT Passes and Streamlined Parking System

  • Ph.D. students asked for better access to campus.
  • Cornell has offered free TCAT passes and a more streamlined system for buying parking permits. 

Benefits for International Students

  • The university has offered a new benefit for international students that gives them five working days to visit consulates or embassies to renew their visas.
  • This gives students the flexibility to make necessary arrangements without cutting into vacation time.
  • The $750 matriculation payment also covers the cost of applying/reapplying for visas.

Six Additional Weeks of Parental Leave

  • Cornell is offering to double parental accommodation leave from 6 weeks to 12 weeks following the birth, adoption or placement of a child. 

Childcare Grant Funding Guarantee

  • Cornell is also agreeing to dedicate $350,000 annually to provide student parents with support for childcare needs.

Coverage for Tuition and Fees

  • Tuition will be covered for graduate student workers with Section 1.3 appointments and prorated for those with partial appointments, meaning these students get an excellent education at no cost.
  • This provision also eliminates thesis/dissertation filing fees.